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Our Partners
CV Digital
We create a system to ease the process of recruitment with digital CV. It will help your company to give an easy access for reviewing the CV of your candidates.
Pre-Assesment Test
Here, you can put the questions you want to ask to your candidates to help of your early assesment.
Personality Test
We create a system to ease the process of recruitment with personality test. It will help your compamy to see the personality test result of your connected candidates.
Marketplace is a recommended feature for middle up company in finding the right talent by providing digital CV view and personality test result access.
Employee Database
This is a feature to help you in easing the HR data system by centralizing the information of your company’s employee.
Talent Search
Talent Search is a system that will give your company a chance to get the list of best candidates for your job's opportunity.
Talent Pool
We provide a system that will help your company to save the best candidate. This system gives your company a chance to get the best people.
Live Chat Support
With this feature, you will be directly connected with our team in helping you to enjoy a time in living an experience of the website and application.
What They Said
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